The second event attended by artist Jay Rolfe and his wife on Friday night was the Member's Party and open studios at the Delaware Center for the Contemporary Arts (DCCA). The event was well attended, with lots of food and drink. Many artists had open studios, and the variety of styles was very interesting. One artist painted primarily nudes and had a couple dozen empty champagne bottles in his studio. I joked with him about it, calling him Mr. Champagne. He replied, "How do you think I get the models to pose nude?" His girlfriend, who wasn't the model in most of the paintings, feigned getting mad and punched him (playfully). I guess you had to be there, but it was funny.
The DCCA is a relatively new non-collection museum in the revitalizing Wilmington DE waterfront area. It has several large, high ceiling contemporary spaces for exhibitions and all the accessory things like an auditorium for presentations, an internet cafe, and a gift shop.
That's the latest step of artist Jay Rolfe on his Journey From Starving Artist To 21st Century Picasso. You may view some of Jay Rolfe's Unique Artistic Idea, his Hyper Representational 3-D Shaped Stretched Canvas paintings, on his website at http://www.3dssc.com/. Artist Jay Rolfe uses vibrant color, 3-D, recognizable shape, and huge size to reveal beauty, touch emotion in a positive way, and create an Uplifting Conversation Piece.
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